1st Video clip
For Pink floyd fans and other curious minds... Hold on tight !!

how it is to come back home after 18 months in India
Otherwise the month of October ended with a nice event... my 24th birthday !! It started at midnight of the 26 oct. Anna, Danielle, Amandine, Aurore, Fanny, Jan, Romain, Olivier, Benoit, Reto, Vivek & Arun were waiting at the hostel entrance with a surprise cake ! Even Suryadeep and Jimmy from my "band" were there ;-)
(unfortunately not the bass player, who is ALSO born on the 27th oct.. Incredible coincidence !!)
All day cakes and good food...B-day tea time in the mess (Mara, Lisa), then indian food (Keki, Sin)
At evening, dinner in Sangheeta. Nice table of 20 people!! Thank you to all who came !! And thank you for the gifts !! And thank you for the wishes, sms, calls !!
Thank You Cnad !
By the way, if someone could send some condiment/aromat, it would be nice !! White rice would taste better...