Tuesday, November 21, 2006


November in Chennai is not boring !
Once monsoon was (nearly) over...
... and after a general "Madras" eye infection...(Danielle and Anna)

and in between treats at Sangheeta (Bruno's departure etc) & before our End semester exams, we found a nice party in a bar with...

Crazy polish and romanian guys doing bubbles...

...and a Superstar rock band of India, with whom we went to an after party till 4 am.
LBG you are the best !!
On following morning, took the bus at 8.00 to Kancheepuram, city with lots of temples AND capital of sarees....

Visiting the Vishnu temple.. At last, an elephant !

We tried on Sarees, after a "fabric" visit (left)... It takes 15 days for 1 silk saree