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how it is to come back home after 18 months in India
(Sebastian, Benoit, Danielle, Anna)
(Benoit, Danielle, Tanya, Sebastian )
Proud students !
(and we were also very happy to have eaten in town in a restaurant with delicious hamburgers, tasty Italian pasta and dangerous chocolate desserts...)
2 x 7 min of match is long when it is hot and humid. Isn't it Benoìt?
Our guide was very nice and reminded me of my uncle (P.F !!). He had endless stories about the gods and goddesses like Shiva (above) and Sharavati...
The temple (right) was made for music, dance and other festivities. You can even play music on the stones and one can hear it on the other side.
Our guys on the stairs of a big temple belonging to the King's quarters... Unfortunately, most decoration were destroyed.
Indians were very interested in us. Like flies, the guys would come to us, asking us to be on their photos. Exhausting ! The were also curious when we were getting ready to leave Hampi. See below Pablo and Julien wanting to close the door !
I have a modest bed ( a little too small), a mosquito net and a desk